Value Assurance Review Implementation -

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Value Assurance Review Implementation

Project Assurance
As part of Project Assurance Process whose main objective is achieved through the implementation of different practices as part of Project’s Management Review process for the E&PM management reporting, to ascertain the health and readiness of the project under execution and outline the necessary recommendations to steer the project along the approved objective.
Value Assurance Review (VAR) are structured, independent reviews that challenge the Project Management Team to justify the conclusions of their work, identifying weaknesses and shortcomings, and making specific recommendations for improvements. They introduce additional outside perspectives in order to increase potential project value and allow the project to avoid the risk of missing opportunities for improving technical and business solutions.
The VAR takes a detailed look at different aspects of the Project and challenges the Project Management Team to demonstrate that these have been optimized (changes and improvements should be agreed on as a result of the process).
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